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Abdominal Muscle Definition Surgery

The First Step!
Choose a Surgeon You Can Trust

Selecting a plastic surgeon certified by the Mexican Board of Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery and a full member of the Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery is essential. These credentials ensure your surgeon is qualified and up-to-date in their field, allowing you to proceed with confidence.

What Is Abdominal Muscle Definition Surgery ("Six-Pack Surgery")?

A well-proportioned musculature is a hallmark of youth, health, and vitality. The width of the abdomen and the definition of abdominal muscles symbolize physical fitness and human vigor. However, some individuals experience underdevelopment of their rectus abdominis muscles, which may not grow or strengthen as desired.

For men and women dedicated to fitness, it can be frustrating when regular exercise and weight training fail to produce the desired abdominal muscle definition ("six-pack abs"). In such cases, patients may consider abdominal muscle definition surgery.

Who Is a Candidate?

The ideal candidate for abdominal muscle definition surgery is:

  • A healthy adult with realistic expectations regarding the procedure’s outcomes.
  • Someone who has made sincere efforts to achieve their fitness goals through exercise before considering surgery as a last resort.

Most patients report high satisfaction with the results of this procedure.

Planning Your Procedure

During your consultation, you can clearly communicate your expectations. Please share your reasons for pursuing this surgery and your goals for the treatment.

I will perform a preoperative examination, assessing your weight, height, and abdominal measurements. Based on your physical condition and overall body proportions, I will determine the most suitable surgical technique for you.

The Procedure

The surgery may be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on its complexity. The steps involved are as follows:

  1. Small incisions are made along the lateral portions of the rectus abdominis muscles.
  2. Using specialized liposuction cannulas, fat is strategically removed to enhance muscle definition.
  3. The incisions are sutured, and you can return home once you have recovered from the anesthesia.
  • Expect abdominal swelling and mild pain or discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications.
  • Depending on your health and the complexity of the procedure, you may be discharged within a few hours or stay in the hospital for 2–3 days.
  • Post-operative care includes:
    • Removing superficial sutures in 5–7 days.
    • Removing umbilical stitches after 2 weeks.
    • Wearing a compression garment for about one month.
    • Returning to work after approximately two weeks.
    • Engaging in gentle exercise to promote faster recovery, while avoiding intense physical activity until fully healed.
  • Scars may initially appear more pronounced during the first 3–6 months. This is normal, and they will fade and normalize in color within 9–12 months.
  • Full or partial abdominal muscle definition surgery delivers excellent results for patients with weak abdominal muscles or excess fat.
  • The outcomes can be long-lasting when maintained through regular exercise and a balanced diet.
  • Patients often report enhanced confidence and satisfaction with their sculpted abdominal appearance.